Macro Calculator TDEE BMI KETO and Calories

Give this macro calculator a shot. This is the most accurate weight loss calculator I’ve seen.

Step 1: Calculate Your TDEE ( Total Daily Energy Expenditure - daily calories required)
Age is required!
Choose your gender
Units System:
ft in
Height and weight are required!

Current Body Fat %:
How would you describe your normal daily activities?
How many week days per week do you exercise?
How many minutes per day do you exercise (cardio & weight lifting combined)?
How intense is your exercise?
Your BMR is: 1655 Calories/Day
Your TDEE is: 2246 Calories/Day
Step 2: Choose Your Goals (and pick your intensity)
Fat loss
Suggested 15%
Aggressive 20%
Reckless 25%
Same as TDEE
Cautious 5%
Text Book 10%
Aggressive 15%
Enter Your Own
Step 3: Select Your Nutrition Plan (we suggest Balanced)
Choose Plans
Step 4: Your Macro Calculator Results
GRAMS per day 280.3 0 0 0 - 0 1121
GRAMS per meal 93.4 0 0 0 - 0 374
Lean Body Mass
Fat Body Mass
Body Fat %
Waist To Height
Ideal Weight
(Miller Formula)
Ideal Weight
(Hamwi Formula)
Obesity Class
Waist-to-hip Ratio
Maximum Fat Metabolism


TDEE, Keto, Calorie Macro Calculator

TDEE calculator is an online body fitness tool used to calculate the total daily energy expenditure by your body. It can be used to calculate the total number of calories you need to gain weight, the number of calories you should burn to lose weight, or the number of calories you need to take every day to maintain your weight. The calorie needs calculator can also be used to check your basal metabolic rate, body mass index, and calories deficit. It ends the confusion of setting a diet plan to achieve your body fitness goals. The calorie maintenance calculator can be used to track the calorie intake if you are on a strict dietary plan for your wedding or any type of physical evaluation test. If you are wondering “how many calories do I burn in a day,” you are at the right place.

We will discuss total energy expenditure, its calculation, using a calculator to evaluate your TDEE, and much more in this post.

How to use our macro calculator?

Calculating your total daily energy expenditure can be complicated and time-consuming because of the several calculations it takes to produce a final calculation. Before calculating TDEE, you need to calculate your basal metabolic rate (BMR). You can save your time and effort by using our daily calorie intake calculator because it is fast, efficient, and reliable for sensitive calculations related to your body.

To use the TDEE calculator, you should measure your weight and height first. You can measure your height in inches, feet, centimeters, or meters and weight in pounds, kilograms, lbs, ounce, tonne, or gram. All these units are provided for your comfort. Select your gender and enter your age in the respective input box. Enter your measured height and weight in the given input boxes. Choose your activity level from light activity, sedentary, moderate activity, high activity, and extreme activity according to your activity routine. After that, you need to choose your goal for which you are calculating TDEE. Select from “Maintain weight,” “Lose weight,” and “Gain weight.” Hit the “Calculate” button to see the results. It will give you the results in complete detail, and you will find everything you need according to the goal you set for you.

In the resulting pan on the right side, you can see your total daily energy expenditure, calories per day to lose weight or gain weight, body mass index (BMI), basal metabolic rate (BMR), and calories surplus or deficit. Now you can plan your physical activities and calorie intake in order to achieve a specific weight range or amount of calories to consume.

What is TDEE?

TDEE is a measurement of how much energy you use during your day. It stands for Total Daily Energy Expenditure. There are multiple factors that play a role in total daily energy expenditure. It includes your climate, your physical activity, and your dietary thermogenesis. In mothers, the energy costs in physical activity are raised by pregnancy, and it affects the TDEE. The physical activity effect is the most significant among the three-usually from 15 to 30 percent of the TDEE.

The thermal impact of food on total energy consumption makes your diet a second place. The total amount of energy provided by your food is about 10 – 35 %. Hot weather will raise the TDEE by between 5 and 20 percent, but metabolism and cool weather can have similar effects, holding core temperature.

Both the body structure and body size are included in your TDEE, which is also mirrored in the TDEE calculator results. Women tend to have less muscle weight and a higher fat ratio, resulting in less energy consumption due to their weight. Age is also a consideration. Younger people consume more energy than older people of the same gender and weight. TDEE will be different if you use different ages while calculating it.

What is the TDEE formula?

TDEE is calculated using BMR and activity multiplier. The above calculator also uses the same method to calculate your TDEE or maintenance calories, whatever you prefer.

TDEE = BMR x Activity Multiplier

To calculate BMR, we need weight, height, gender, and age.

BMR = 6.25 x height (cm) + 10 x weight (kg) – 5 x age(y) + s

In this equation, s is a gender constant of -161 for women and 5 for men. The activity multipliers are estimates in average, and therefore the whole result of the TDEE equation can be twisted if you choose a training standard that will not suit the actual energy cost when exercising.

How to calculate TDEE?

The following things are required to calculate the TDEE.

The metabolic rate while resting. It depends on sleeping and basal conditions.
The thermogenic effects of any daytime food
The energy consumed during physical activity and recovery following activity. It includes sports, working, etc.
All of these are included in the above formula. The BMR is the minimum energy consumption that a person needs to stay alive. It is measured in strict conditions by the use of oxygen. These conditions include: no calories in the 12 hours preceding assessment and no excessive muscle activity, the measurement is made in a temperature-neutral environment after 30-60 minutes of rest or quiet laying. All of these values are just a bit lesser than the RMR (resting metabolism rate), which is not that strict as BMR. You can do this with our Resting Metabolic rate Calculator and Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator, but if you are involved only in the TDEE, it is not important.

An alternative method to calculate TDEE

If you are really involved in testing yourself for TDEE, you should perform your own test. Track your calorie consumption every day for a month; calculate your weight loss or weight increase in pounds in that period. Estimate the total amount of weight you are losing or gaining every day. Multiply this loss or gain of weight by 3500. Add or remove the daily calorie intake from the amount of weight gain or loss. It will be the most accurate calculation if you are careful.

TDEE is sometimes measured by Body surface area (BSA) and Body Mass Index (BMI). The BMI is mathematically defined, so no estimates are required but precise body surface area measurement is a challenge, so usually, studies use estimates. Our calorie deficit calculator uses body mass, height, gender, and age to forecast RDEE, which stands for resting daily energy expenditure, and blends this to an accurate overall calculation of total daily energy expenditure with the exercise level you choose.

TDEE calculator for weight loss

Your TDEE is an outstanding way to lose weight. Even the estimation of the total daily energy expenditure using an online day calorie intake calculator is much better than just doing nothing, though not as precise as medically accurate procedures. If you disregard the TDEE, it leads to the widespread problem of obesity, especially in the West. As discussed above and elsewhere, knowing what variables affect energy expenditure is a good start. You should ask yourself, “How many calories should I burn a day.” In our calculator, the energy you spent per day is immediately transformed into calories, so it tells you how many calories you need each day. To create a good dietary balance of fats, carbs, and protein, you can use a macro calculator. Getting a diet you can keep up with each day is crucial in losing weight permanently. Don’t take it too hard on your body, but you should follow your plan strictly to achieve your goal.

You can also know how can the level of physical exercise will increase energy intake and thereby help control weight or weight loss. Only pick another level of activity in our calorie expenditure calculator and see the numbers change. Finding a good balance between a healthier, but non-hazardous, diet is essential for losing weight.

Do not use BMR as a food consumption calculation, since the requisite calorie intake is substantially undervalued, resulting in adverse impacts including malnutrition.

Ultimately, while you can correct the mechanics of weight loss, the mechanism is also emotional and psychological and should not be overlooked. If one doesn’t have the will and determination to maintain a strict system for a long time, a TDEE calculator itself is worthless.

Why should I maintain my TDEE?

Maintaining a normal total daily energy expenditure value in the form of calories is extremely important. If a person is overweight and taking too many calories, it increases the risk of heart diseases, strokes, high blood pressure levels, and strokes, etc.
If TDEE is not maintained, it does not only bring a very bad effect on your health with body fat but also makes you feel socially uncomfortable and unaccepting in today’s society. And even if it does not, it lessens your life span by quite a large percentage. Therefore maintaining a healthy TDEE holds great importance.

It is said and has been proven, that maintaining the amount of weight which falls in a healthy range, keeps you more active and happier. It is also said that you feel much more confident about yourself. Caring and feeling confident about yourself is something that is highly needed in order to become successful in life.
Moreover, if you fall in the overweight or underweight range, you must work on it and achieve your goal in order to stay fit. This will prove too beneficial in every way, and in no time, you will surely start improving yourself.

The right type of workouts and motivation
If you have to lose a few pounds in order to reach your ideal weight, just know that there is nothing wrong in doing it. Every good thing comes with effort and the efforts surely pay off right when you start noticing the change in yourself.

The right type of workouts holds extreme importance. Usually, people go for workouts that they have zero knowledge about without realizing how dangerous it can prove to be for their bodies. There are workout videos available everywhere and they are for different body types and purposes, however, people with no awareness about their needed calorie and energy intake, carry out intense workouts that are way too intense for their bodies, and sometimes, people carry out extremely light exercises meanwhile, their bodies need much more effort. For this reason, determining the right type of workout that your body needs is extremely important. And it is highly suggested that you should not carry out any activity without proper assistance or without calculating your Calorie intake rate, which, you can easily do with the help of this very simple calculator.

Physical Activity (PA) Level Chart
Moderately Active
Moderately Active
Female Burns: 400 to 650 calories
Male 500 to 800 calories.
Lightly active
Lightly active
Females burns:400 to 200 calories
Males burns: 250 to 500 calories.
Extra Active
Extra Active
Female burns: 650 calories
Male burns: 800 calories
Very Active
Very Active
Female burns: 650 calories
Male burns: 800 calories
Total Daily Energy Expenditure according to PA


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Melanson, E L. “The effect of exercise on non-exercise physical activity and sedentary behavior in adults.” Obesity reviews: an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity vol. 18 Suppl 1,Suppl 1 (2017): 40-49. doi:10.1111/obr.12507

Anthony MSc. Nutrition CPT

Anthony is a certified personal trainer, Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, and Strength and Conditioning coach. Today he works as a full-time fitness coach, writer, blogger, and author. In his spare time, he is an avid sailor, boating enthusiast, hiker, and backpacker His goal is to take the confusion out of weight loss and health and make it simple and easy to understand and follow. Anthony McGarr NASM CPT, CHHP, MSc. Nutrition, Certified Holistic Health Practitioner And Creator Of The Trans4m Diet

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