How To Reverse Fatty Liver Disease Through Diet (7 Day Sample Diet)!

Is A Fatty Liver Reversible? Fatty Liver Diet Plan and Menu

Here we tell you everything you need to know about the fatty liver diet, menu, recipes, tips, and tricks.

Did you just get diagnosed with fatty liver disease, and the doctor asked you to reduce weight?

You might be clueless about where to start. However, we have come up with a strong strategy and plan that works.

Remember, if you start without a plan, chances are you’ll fail. Plan it then stick to the plan.

Fatty Liver Disease:

Fatty liver disease can be alcoholic or non-alcoholic. Nono-alcoholic fatty liver diseases or NAFLD is caused by obesity.

The fat cells start accumulating in your liverOpens in a new tab.. As a result, the liver becomes soft, greasy, and enlarged. Anything greasy can’t work properly unless cleaned.

If you don’t treat fatty liver disease at the right time, it can lead to NASH (non-alcoholic Opens in a new tab.steatohepatitis), cirrhosis, and ultimate liver failure.

Reverse a Fatty Liver?

Can you reverse fatty liver on your own? Yes! Through proper diet and exerciseOpens in a new tab..

Even if you visit a doctor, the doctor will advise you to lose at least 10% of your body weight. There are no specific medications for fatty liver.

The only way to reverse fatty liver is losing weight by non-fatty diet and exercise.

Cutting 500 calories per day and introducing 150 minutes of moderate-intensity workout per week can help you lose 1-2 pounds per week and reverse fatty liver.

What is the Best diet for a fatty liver?

The MediterranianOpens in a new tab. and portion control diets are by far the best diets for fatty liver. The Mediterranean dietOpens in a new tab. is a moderate protein diet that mainly focuses on organic nutrients obtained from fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, olive oil, whole grains.

The portion control diet focuses on eating everything but in specific portions.

This method keeps calorie count in check. For example, you can achieve the best results by following the Mediterranean dietOpens in a new tab. in portions. In this way, you will eat healthy food with controlled calories.

Fatty Liver Diet Menu:
Your plate at every meal should look something like this:

Here we will dive deep into what foods to eat in fatty liver and what to avoid:
To treat a fatty liver, aim for 50% vegetables, fruits, and complex carbs, 35 % proteins, and only 15 % fats in your diet. So your plate should mostly look like: half plate vegetables, a portion of protein, a portion of carbs with a dash of fat.


Complex Carbohydrates:

Complex carbohydrates should make 1/4th of your plate. Take a maximum of 2 portions (30g) of carbs and at least one portion of carbs at each meal. Complex carbohydrates have a low glycemic index value. These carbs take time to digest and reach the blood.

Complex Carb Ideas for a  Fatty Liver:

  • Whole wheat tortillas
  • Whole wheat spaghetti
  • Whole wheat pasta
  • Rolled oats
  • Brown rice
  • Wild rice
  • Un-sweetened cereals
  • Whole wheat high fiber crackers
  • Whole wheat Bagels
  • Multi-grain bread

How to calculate portion size for carbohydrates?

 Use a measuring kitchen scale or standardized utensils for measuring portions.

  • 1 portion bread = 30-40g
  • 1 portion rice cooked = 80g
  • 1 portion spaghetti/pasta cooked = 80g
  • 1 portion oats uncooked = 3 tbsp
  • Whole wheat cracker = 1

Carbohydrates to avoid in fatty liver disease:

Simple and processed carbs are culprits in fatty liver disease. Avoid them completely to reverse fatty liver disease. White flour, white pasta, white bread, cereals, sugar, crackers, biscuits, croissants, white rice, pastries, cake rusks, fruit bread, should be eliminated from the fatty liver diet menu.


Meat, legumes, chickpeas, yogurt, and milker are some rich sources of protein. In fatty liver disease, there are few options in the meat you can choose from. Aim for at least one serving of protein at each meal. Avoid fatty meat cuts, whole milk as they have high-fat content.

Some of the healthy protein choices are:

  • Lean meat, chicken breast, skinless thighs, turkey breast
  • Lean cuts of meat (beef and pork), tenderloin steaks, T-bone steak, 90% lean ground beef
  • Skim milk, low-fat yogurt
  • Tofu made from soy milk, tempeh
  • Fresh and frozen fish. Whitefish, salmon, tuna, sardines
  • Shellfish, crab, prawns, shrimps, lobster
  • Egg whites and whole eggs
  • Protein powder
  • Dry lentils, beans, and chickpeas
  • Low sodium canned beans

How to calculate protein portion size?

  • Polutry/ meat = 60g-80g
  • Fish = 120-140g
  • Lentils, beans, chickpeas without curry = 5 tbsp
  • lentils, beans, chickpeas with curry = 7 tbsp
  • Tofu, tempeh = 80g
  • Low fat yogurt = 6 tbsp
  • Protein powder = 1 scoop

    Fruits & Vegetables:

You should aim for at least one plateful of non-starchy vegetables and three portions of fruits. Vegetables are low-calorie foods that provide fullness and satiety. In addition, they are rich in fiber, keeps the gut healthy, and aid in weight loss. Not only this, vegetables are a source of essential minerals and vitamins.

Eat from a variety of fruits and vegetables to get maximum nutrients. Here are some of our favorites vegetables and fruits to eat in a fatty liver diet.


Dry fruits: pistachio, peanut


Bell peppers
Sweet potato

Portions for fruits and vegetables:

Portion size for vegetables is free. You can have as many veggies as you want. However, the portion size for fruits is 80g per serving or 200ml in fresh fruit juice with no added sugar. Try to have 2-3 portions of fruits each day. Include a variety of fruits in each meal.

Fats & Oils:

Plant-based fats are advised to consume in a fatty liver diet. However, the choice of the wrong lubricant can put a strain on your already malfunction liver. The liver is loaded with fat cells. Saturated and trans fats can add to these fat cells. However, you can’t skip fat from your diet altogether. Fats are needed for the maintenance of healthy membranes of cells.

Avoid trans and saturated fatty acids at all costs in the fatty liver diet menu. Instead, opt for monounsaturated fats like olive oils and nut oils in your diet to reverse fatty liver.

Some of the healthy fat choices to add to your fatty liver diet chart are:

  • Olive oil
  • Avocado oil
  • Sesame oil
  • Grass-fed butter
  • Olives, avocado
  • Nuts: walnuts, peanuts, almonds
  • Nut butter: Almond butter, peanut butter

Portion size for fats:

The portion size for any type of fat is one teaspoon. Therefore, you must take 2-3 servings/portions of fats.

Dairy & Cheese:

Have at least three portions of dairy daily for good bone, nerve, and gums healthy. Approved dairy products on the fatty liver diet menu are:

  • Skim milk
  • Low-fat yogurt
  • Low-fat cheeses: mozzarella, cottage, blue cheese, Swiss cheese
  • Almond milk, cashew milk, coconut milk fortified with calcium

How to measure portion size for dairy and cheese.

1 portion of milk = 200ml

1 portion low-fat yogurt = 3 tbsp

1 portion cheese = 30gm (size of a match stick box)


The only approved sweeteners on the fatty liver diet menu are:

  • Stevia
  • Monk fruit
  • Yacon syrup
  • Honey (only 1 tsp)


Anti-oxidant and Anti-inflammatory Foods to Treat a Fatty Liver:

Why do you need anti-inflammatory foods to reverse fatty liver disease? NAFLD can lead to hepatitis of the liver. Therefore, to reduce inflammation and avoid hepatitis, one must include anti-inflammatory foods in their fatty liver diet.

Here we see some of the anti-oxidant foods to tackle inflammation in the liver:

  • Coffee
  • Green-tea
  • Vitamin E: sunflower seeds, almonds
  • Tomato
  • Olive oil
  • Raw garlic
  • Berries; strawberry, raspberry, blackberry

What is NASH liver disease?

If you have fatty liver disease, you must have heard about NASH. NASH is non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Steato = fat, hepatitis = inflammation of hepatic cells. Liver cells are known as hepatic cells. Pre-diabetes, diabetes, and obesity cause it.

When fat accumulates in liver cells, it can lead to inflammation, releasing reactive oxygen species to cause cell damage, and the liver becomes inflamed. This condition is steatohepatitis.

NASH, if untreated, can lead to liver failure or cirrhosis.

Is NASH liver disease reversible?

According to John Hopkins medical center, no medicine is available to reverse the fat buildup in the liver. However, one way to change it is to treat NAFLD and control the further buildup of fat in the liver. In some cases, NASH reverses itself, but you have to do it yourself most of the time.

You can reverse or control NASH by:

  • Making lifestyle changes
  • Taking diabetes medication that increases insulin sensitivity
  • Losing weight
  • Taking anti-cholesterol medication
  • Eat a low-fat, moderate protein diet
  • Exercise

The Bottom Line:

Non-alcoholic Fatty liver disease is caused by the development of fats in the liver. It happens when you are obese.

NAFLD can lead to NASH and then liver failure. However, you can reverse fatty liver by diet.

Follow a natural balanced diet with more focus on high-quality vegetables, fruits, and lean protein.

Eliminate liquid and empty calories in the form of packaged snacks, cold drinks, energy drinks, sweetened tea-flavored milk, fruit juices from your diet.

These liquid calories don’t make you feel full but pile up your body with so many calories.

Incorporate moderate exercise into your routine.

One hundred fifty minutes of moderate-intensity workout in the form of a brisk walk, jog, skipping, jumping jacks, cardio is good for beginners.

In addition, lift weights or do strength training 2-3 times per weEK.

Track your progress with the help of diary records or apps.

Use a step tracker on your phone or watch. Avoid high-fat diets like keto.

For more deep assistance, book yourself with a dietitian for a one-on-one diet plan customized for yourself.

Follow our tips and tricks to treat fatty liver.

We have provided you with a sample meal plan with calorie and macro count, in the end, to get an idea from.

You can easily lose 3 pounds per week following this diet along with some physical activity.

7-day Fatty Liver Diet plan

Day 1 Monday


Half cup overnight oats in skim milk and berries

1 boiled egg

Snack 1:

15g nuts


Balsamic roasted veggies

1 fruit any

Snack 2:

Protein bar


baked chicken 80g

Potato wedges roasted

Side vegetable salad

Total calories: 1640

Macro Count: Carbs: 45g ,Protein: 30g  ,Fats: 10g

Day 2 Tuesday:


1 Whole wheat toasted bread

1 tsp butter

Protein shake

Snack 1:

any fruit


100g grilled fish, 180g brown rice cooked and roasted veggies

Snack 2:

15g nuts


chicken meatball and whole wheat spaghetti

Cornmeal half cup

Total calories: 1378

Macro Count: Carbs: 40g ,Protein: 30g ,Fats: 12g

Day 3: Wednesday


100g yogurt

1 french omelet in 1tsp butter

2 whole wheat/multi-grain toasted bread

Snack 1:

hummus and vegetables


Chili prawns

100g rice, vegetable salad

 Snack 2:

protein bar


Roasted chicken wings and vegetables

Total calories: 1700

Macro Count: Carbs: 48g ,Protein: 33g  ,Fats: 10g

Day 4: Thursday


2 Sausages

1 boiled egg

Any fruit

Snack 1:

vegetable salad


Tuna sandwich with 1 tsp mayo

Snack 2:

15g nuts


100g lean Beefsteak

Roasted vegetables

Mashed potatoes with 1 tsp cream and 3 tsp milk

Total calories: 1470

Macro Count: Carbs: 38g ,Protein: 35g ,Fats: 16g

Day 5: Friday


Oats in milk, mixed fruit half cup

Snack 1:

100g yogurt and 15g nuts


2 slices Thin crust pizza with  chicken, olives, and veggies

Snack 2:

Protein bar


Lentils soup, vegetable salad

Total calories: 1250

Macro Count: Carbs: 32g  ,Protein: 25g  ,Fats: 9g

Day 6: Saturday


omelet with 1 tsp olive oil

2 toasted bread

Snack 1:

any fruit


Half ciabatta sandwich and veggies with buffalo mozzarella

Snack 2:

yogurt 100g


80g vegetable and chicken pasta

Vegetable salad bowl

Total calories: 1300

Macro Count: Carbs: 48g ,Protein: 32g  ,Fats: 11g

Day 7: Sunday

You can eat anything in any ONE meal of this day.

Breakfast: Any

Snack 1:

protein smoothie


80g Grilled balsamic chicken, 30g cheese, roasted veggies

 Snack 2:

protein bar


Chicken and broccoli soup

Total calories: 1490

Macro Count: Carbs: 25g  ,Protein: 30g ,Fats: 7g

Anthony MSc. Nutrition CPT

Anthony is a certified personal trainer, Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, and Strength and Conditioning coach. Today he works as a full-time fitness coach, writer, blogger, and author. In his spare time, he is an avid sailor, boating enthusiast, hiker, and backpacker His goal is to take the confusion out of weight loss and health and make it simple and easy to understand and follow. Anthony McGarr NASM CPT, CHHP, MSc. Nutrition, Certified Holistic Health Practitioner And Creator Of The Trans4m Diet

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