18 Fiber-Rich; Low-Carb Foods: You Can’t-Miss On A Keto or Paleo Diet!
Dietary fiber is an essential constituent of any diet.
It is the indigestible part of plant foods that the body can’t digest and passes it in stools. The FDA recommends 30 grams of fiber each day, and it’s important for healthy gut and bowel movements.
Fiber deficiency can impose serious health risks such as;
• Cardiovascular disease
• Constipation
• Diverticular disease
• Type 2 diabetes
Fiber exists in two varieties, both helpful to health:
• Soluble fiber that dissolves in water. It helps to reduce blood glucose as well as blood cholesterol. Fiber keeps the body’s sugar levels at a basal line.
• Insoluble fiber, which does not dissolve in the water passes through our digestive tract, intact.
It pushes the food through our intestine, thus making a bulk of stool. Not enough fiber can cause constipation and may lead to hemorrhoids.
If you are on keto or any other low-carb
diet, It might be hard to get enough fiber for you.
But don’t think to put bad carbohydrates again in your body. We know most fiber-rich food is also rich in carbohydrates, and it’s not a win-win situation.
But maybe it’s just you never knew some foods exist with low carb content and are fiber-rich.
The KETO DIET being the magic FAT BURNER diet, can cause fiber deficiency. It’s common to see people not eating enough vegetables. One can easily lose track of our fiber intake. You might think, how come I eat fiber-rich food and be in ketosis at the same time?
Well, you need to know about the right food. Stay with us. We deliver the poop!
How To Get Enough Fiber On A Keto Diet While Keeping the Carbs Low?
There exist some foods from a wide variety of vegetables, fruits and, nuts that are low carb, keto-friendly and, rich in fiber.YES! You read it right!
By incorporating these foods into your daily diet, you can get enough fiber.
1) Avocado:
One-half of a large avocado (100gm) provides 7 gm of fiber and 2 gm of net carbs.
With its creamy green flesh, this tangy, savory fruit can provide you with monounsaturated fats, guacamole, vitamin A, Vitamin C, potassium, Vit E, magnesium making it a super fiber-rich food choice. It will relieve micronutrients and fiber deficiency.
So, Toss it in a salad or spread it on your keto bread and enjoy without any guilt!
2) Spinach:
Popeye loved the spinach because he had discovered the ultimate spinach treasure.
100gm spinach contains 4 gm fiber and 1 gm net carb.
This leafy green vegetable is a staple for low-carb diets. Rich in iron, vitamin A and calcium, it makes your vision, bones and, eyesight strong.
Enjoy it with a side of your steak as creamy spinach or eat it sautéed in a little drizzle of olive oil and give yourself a health boost by this fiber-rich food.
3) Asparagus:
100 gm asparagus contains only 20 calories and 2.1 gm dietary fiber.
This delicate crunchy vegetable contains vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin K, calcium, iron and, vitamin B-6.
Vitamin K is highly needed for post-translational modification of essential proteins and enzymes that your body needs for daily chores.
Add green, purple asparagus to your salads or sides for that extra crunch.
4) Chia seeds:
28 gm of chia seeds provide 10 gm of dietary fiber.
These tiny black seeds are the richest in nutrition on this planet. They contain more omega 3 than salmon, more calcium than a glass of milk and, more potassium than a banana.
Extremely keto-friendly these seeds act as super nutrition for our body. Add them in any smoothie, or even your greek yogurt. They are a good snack that helps you feel full because of their high fiber content.
Create fancy drinks with it using almond milk, stevia and, cinnamon.
5) Brocolli:
This cruciferous vegetable is a great source of vitamin C.
150 gm broccoli contains 5 gm of fiber.
This vegetable, along with being a nutrient-dense and, fiber-rich food can fight inflammation in the body.
Next time you dine in a restaurant, ask your water to replace mashed potatoes with butter tossed broccoli.
Or you can make it at home any time. Just toss some butter in a pan, and the aromatic rosemary leaves will take this simple broccoli to the next level.
7) Cucumber:
Eat cucumber with its peel. The peel is rich in fibers that will keep your gut healthy.
50 gm cucumber has 2 gm of dietary fiber.
Cucumbers are great in salads or your almond bread sandwiches. They are refreshing, and their drinks are great for summers as well.
8) Almonds:
1-ounce almonds contain 3.5 gm of dietary fiber.
Almonds are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, polyphenols and, fiber. Almond consumption reduces LDL, aka bad cholesterol, and improves glycemic control.
Almonds go well with flavored greek yogurts, smoothies or are kept in a small bag and serve as a great snack when needed. Feel hungry mid-day? Eat some almonds!
9) Flax seeds:
1 Tbsp of flax seeds has 1.9 gm dietary fiber.
Flaxseed is used in low-carb baking to give texture to baking in place of wheat flour. It acts as a binder. Sprinkle flax seeds on your baked goods, but use them in a moderate amount.
10) Psyllium husk:
1 Tbsp of psyllium husk contains 8 gm dietary fiber.
If you have been doing keto for a long time, you would have heard about Metamucil. The Active ingredient of Metamucil is psyllium husk. It’s greatly known for its laxative properties and relieving constipation. It is used in low-carb baking to give a good texture without wheat flour.
You can have it with plain water or with your smoothie. Make sure to take plenty of water with it, so It doesn’t choke you.
11) Macadamia Nuts:
100 gm macadamia nuts contain 9 gm fiber and 5 gm net carbohydrates.
Rich in saturated and monounsaturated fats, these nuts are also rich in calcium. Macadamia nuts are dense in vitamins and will fulfill your micronutrient need.
The best thing about them is that you can eat them whenever you want as they are easily portable and serve as a great snack.
12) Strawberry:
100 gm strawberries provide 2 gm of fiber and 6 gm net carbs.
This sweet-sour fruit is folks’ favorite since always. You can’t resist strawberries alone, yet take them in almond milk or coconut milk smoothies. And satiate your sweet tooth with a delicious creamy keto strawberry cheesecake. Use stevia for a guilt-free treat.
13) Artichokes:
10 gm artichokes have 5 gm dietary fiber in them with 6 gm net carbohydrates.
Artichoke is rich in magnesium, vitamin C and, vitamin B-6. It is good for the liver. Ease the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and lower blood sugar level.
You can easily found them in the supermarket as canned or jar preserved. Whether fresh or canned, both ways Its a delicious healthy treat. Grill It or bake it or steam it. We recommend having it dipped in a fat-rich sauce or mayonnaise to give that extra keto fat kick!
14 ) Brussel Sprouts:
100 gm Brussels sprouts provide 3.8 gm of dietary fiber with only 5 gm net carbohydrates
This food is loaded with antioxidants; vitamin C. Vitamin C is needed for healthy gum and bone health. This is what collagen is made of; Good collagen means good bones, good gums and, great joints!
Brussel sprouts are a great keto vegetable choice. Pan sear it with good fats and enjoy it with omega 3 rich baked salmon!
15) Blackberries:
100 gm blackberries contain 5 gm dietary fiber and 5 gm net fibers.
Blackberries are a versatile fruit to add to your diet in multiple ways; blackberry jam, blackberry protein bars, blackberry smoothies, juices, or syrups. Enjoy it as your cheesecake topping.
This fruit has a decent amount of minerals, vitamins, and, fiber making it a great low-carb fruit choice in your daily keto diet.
16) Green beans:
100 gm green beans have 3.4 gm dietary fiber and 4.3 gm net carbs.
Green beans technically belong to the legume family but have drastically fewer carbs than normal pulses and legumes, making it a favorite choice for people who are checking carbohydrates in their daily life.
Green beans are a great choice for salads or sides. Enjoy it as you like or play with it a bit in the kitchen. We advise that IT goes well with garlic butter and olive oil on sides of beef or chicken breast, making it your five-star restaurant keto treat at home.
17) Unsweetened Coconut:
100 gm unsweetened coconut has 9 gm dietary fiber with 6 gm net carbohydrates.
This tropical fruit has white meat that is a treat to taste buds. Shredded coconut is often used in granola bars, protein bars or, on desserts. You can have it fresh as well, and It will taste as delicious.
Coconut is rich in copper and manganese. Manganese provides essential enzymes for fat metabolism so that you will need them in your fat-rich keto diet.
Coconuts have this secret ingredient that makes them stand out of all its competent and that is MEDIUM CHAIN TRIGLYCERIDES that makes fat loss speedy.
18) Pistachios:
100 gm pistachios contain 10 gm dietary fiber with 8 gm net carbohydrates.
Being rich in unsaturated fats and, potassium this green fruit that is technically a dry fruit with its savory deliciousness and an earthly taste makes it among the best choices of fiber-rich, low-carb keto food.
You may eat it on your keto ice cream or desserts and add extra fiber kick to normal foods. A little bit of it goes a long way.
The Bottom Line:
If you are interested in weight loss, low-carb diets are a great choice. The keto diet is one of them that puts your body in ketosis and depletes the body of its glycogen stores.
Thus body uses fat as a primary fuel source, and You become lean.
Low-carb diets are, however, low in fiber too. Your body needs fiber not only for the bowel movement and a healthy gut but also for maintaining blood sugar levels.
It’s a double-edged sword that high carb foods are rich in fiber, but high carb content does more harm to your body.
So you must add low-carb, fiber-rich food to your daily diet.
An average person should at least consume 20 to 25 gm fiber daily, according to the FDA.you can easily do so by incorporating above mentioned foods in your daily diet and take full advantage of fiber without going overboard on carbohydrates.
Isn’t it a win-win situation?
You can reduce your carbohydrate intake while taking maximum fiber without compromising your taste and health.
A satiated body is a healthy body.
Enjoy this beautiful, healthy journey and be a better-improved version of yourself every day.
Please share this with your friends to let them know about these fiber-rich, low-carb foods.
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