Should You Try The Smoothie Diet? Smoothie Diet Reviewed

smoothie diet for weight loss

Smoothies provide a great way to reduce your calorie consumption and feel full.

If you incorporate smoothies into your dietary regimen, you can work your way to losing weight.

The Smoothie DietOpens in a new tab. program helps you cut down your pounds and get in shape in about three weeks.

The diet creates a balance in nutrients along with a scheduled consumption plan that helps you achieve your weight loss goal in 21 days.

Smoothies are rich in minerals, vitamins, carbs, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and fibers – all of which are crucial for your health and weight loss.

Besides, smoothies are healthy, delicious, and filling, and these three features help perfectly complement your journey to losing weight.  

How The Smoothie DietOpens in a new tab. Can Help You

Consuming the Smoothie DietOpens in a new tab. means that you can replace 2 to 3 of your meals every day with smoothies. You use a well-researched schedule to prepare your smoothies. The dietary program allows you to: 

  • Shed off excess fat and cut down your weight
  • Reduce your chances of developing chronic disease
  • Reduce the exposure posed by the standard American diet’s toxicity
  • Introduce a natural path to a healthier you – it promotes the health of your skin and hair

The Pros Of The Smoothie DietOpens in a new tab.

  • Smoothies have low calories and are made of natural ingredients
  • Allows easy grocery shopping using pre-designed shopping lists
  • Offers easy and quick meal preparation as well as consumption guidessmoothie diet
  • You attain noticeable weight loss in less than 30 days
  • An easy way to enhance the health of your body, skin, and hair 

The Cons Of The Smoothie DietOpens in a new tab. 

  • Rich in carbs, though all are complex and natural
  • You should start mindful eating habits so that you sustain the results
  • It’s not free 

While the diet program brings a remarkable change in your body by reducing calories and fat intake, you should ensure you have lean protein and healthy fats to help prevent muscle loss and enhance the body’s metabolism. 

The Smoothie DietOpens in a new tab. – What Is It? 

The Smoothie DietOpens in a new tab. is considered a digital plan designed by Drew Sgoutas, a renowned health coach. While creating the diet program, Sgoutas aimed at helping people cut down the consumption of sugar and fat, and reduce their calorie intake.

The dietary program introduces a custom plan of smoothies that can replace some of your regular meals. The smoothies are created with all-natural ingredients.

Consuming these smoothies can bring a transformative change to your body within 21 days. 

Having the right ingredients and proper portion sizes in an intuitive eating plan can allow you to lose weight significantly, and here is where the Smoothie Diet comes in handy. 

Sgoutas understands that the journey to weight loss is pretty confusing and intimidating.

Therefore, he developed the Smoothie DietOpens in a new tab. to help people understand the importance of creating meals using real natural ingredients. Hence, he helps people to skip processed and junk foods, which are linked to weight gain. 

What Does The Smoothie DietOpens in a new tab. Include?

The Smoothie Diet isn’t just a digital book of smoothie recipes; it features shopping lists for the week, a 21-day smoothie consumption schedule, and details about what you should prepare per day as well as a preparation guide. It also comes with a detox plan to help you detoxify your body. 

The Smoothie DietOpens in a new tab. package features:

  • 36 smoothie recipes that can substitute solid meals
  • A 3-week program designed for weight loss and improving your overall health
  • A shopping list for each week
  • 3-day detox program you can follow before the 21-day schedule
  • Preparation guide offering tips on how to prepare your smoothies
  • A quick-start guide that shrinks everything into a fast-tracking list 

A bonus point for this program is that it comes in a digital format, allowing you to easily access the information from your mobile device, PC, or laptop. 

It’s even easy to follow the diet while on the go since you can access the information and can carry everything you need. You can check it out here.Opens in a new tab.

The Effectiveness Of The Diet

Abdominal visceral fat may cause ailments, some of which are life-threatening, including fatty liver disease and lung disease. Fortunately, losing weight and decreasing fat is crucial for the health of the body. In order to stay healthy, you need to eat right. In fact, eating healthy is more important than doing exercises.

A fitness journey supported by eating healthy and natural foods is deemed a great way to keep fit and healthy. 

Many studies prove that consuming fruits and vegetables offers numerous health benefits. Green smoothies, for instance, offer a protective effect on your body.

Fruit smoothies provide energy while allowing you to feel full, hence helping reduce your calorie intake.  

How The Smoothie DietOpens in a new tab. Works

Maybe you are asking, do the right size smoothies really work? Being on the Smoothie Diet allows you to see results in only 21 days.

As a dieter, you begin with a detox plan that takes 3 days before you get to the real 21-day plan. The detox helps flush out the toxins in your body and prepare you for the program. 

After the detox, you get onboard the 3-week journey. You will replace two of your solid meals every day with smoothies created from fresh, natural ingredients.

Your third meal is a low-calorie meal that you prefer. The dietary program suggests you have one cheat day every week, although there is a recommended list containing the foods you need every single day.

When you end the program, you can repeat the plan anytime you think or feel you have gained weight.  

The ingredients of your smoothies often focus on vegetables and fruits.

There are also some proteins as well as healthy fat. Using the guidelines provided, you will be able to plan your low-calorie solid meal for the day.

In the program, you get whole food recipes and recommendations for snacks containing high fiber and low sugar content. 

By eating fresh greens and fruits and adding low-calorie meals containing lean proteins and healthy fats, you are able to cut out toxins from processed junk food. You also abandon eating unhealthy foods. 

The plan helps fix the dietary and lifestyle issues you have had and reverses the negative effects you have suffered from the long-term use of unhealthy foods – diabetes or obesity.

Sticking to the diet plan can cut back your calorie consumption to 1,200 calories per day.

If you further go down to eating three low-calorie meals each day, including two 400-calorie dishes, you are likely to witness a dramatic drop in weight. 

Additionally, smoothies are packed with fiber, carbs, plant-based proteins, and fruit sugars.

Therefore, they can prevent cravings for food, allowing you to feel full for an extended period of time. 

Being on the Smoothie DietOpens in a new tab. introduces a chain of healthy habits while at the same time changing your lifestyle and diet.

It, therefore, helps eliminate factors that lead to disease and does away with symptoms of health conditions. The dietary program teaches you how you can integrate smoothies into your typical diet.  

Using The Smoothie DietOpens in a new tab.

Prior to commencing the Smoothie Diet, you begin with a 3-day detox during which you replace all the three daily solid meals with smoothies. Once your 21-day routine starts, you eat meal-replacement smoothies two times a day – that’s breakfast and lunch. Your third meal, which is dinner, entails solid food. It’s also possible to eat some filling snacks. 

The good thing about this dietary routine is that it’s flexible. There is room for modifications.

For example, you can have a flexible day where you consume a single smoothie instead of two in order to avoid getting bored or developing cravings.

The solid meals serve to complement the diet with proteins and fats you may not get from the smoothie ingredients.

The program lasts three weeks, following which you have to maintain a healthy, wholesome, low-calorie diet. And you can repeat the routine when you gain weight. 

Who Can Try The Diet? 

The Smoothie Diet is ideal for women or people looking forward to starting a weight loss journey. If you are always on the go, you can consume this diet to add nutrients to your daily dietary needs. Additionally, the Smoothie Diet helps those who tend to skip breakfast or those used to eating in restaurants. 

smoothie diet

If you are going for a workout session, smoothies can give you some quick carbs and provide the energy you need for your reps and moves.

In addition, they keep you satiated, hence helping promote your weight loss efforts. If you are a binge-eater, smoothies can help you break this unhealthy eating habit because you feel full for longer hours. 

You can also boost the nutrition of your kids with smoothies. The program offers a section designed for kids, which teaches you how you can do it right.

That being said, there are people who may not want to use the diet, especially those who have food allergies.

You may want to consult with your doctor or nutrition expert if you are allergic to ingredients found in the meal plans. If you are diabetic, consult with a physician or dietician first. 

Any Side Effects

Because the main ingredients of the smoothies are veggies and fruits, you may experience nutritional deficiencies if you remain on this diet plan for several months after ending the 21-day routine.

Also, because it is a liquid diet, you may have reduced energy levels. Drastically changing your diet may contribute to nausea, headaches, dizziness, diarrhea, and concentration problems. 

Consuming liquid smoothies for a long time can result in muscle loss.

You are likely to develop digestive issues or gallstones if you remain on a liquid diet for many months.

It is also likely that you will develop unhealthy relationships with solid food, as you go off healthy habits of meal timing, portion control, and dealing with hunger pangs.

It is important you adhere to the guidelines for 21 days so that you add good proteins and healthy fats in addition to other nutrients.

In the end, you should get back to solid foods and maintain a healthy diet. This plan works as long as you don’t overly rely on liquid smoothies and avoid proteins and healthy fats.  

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Anthony MSc. Nutrition CPT

Anthony is a certified personal trainer, Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, and Strength and Conditioning coach. Today he works as a full-time fitness coach, writer, blogger, and author. In his spare time, he is an avid sailor, boating enthusiast, hiker, and backpacker His goal is to take the confusion out of weight loss and health and make it simple and easy to understand and follow. Anthony McGarr NASM CPT, CHHP, MSc. Nutrition, Certified Holistic Health Practitioner And Creator Of The Trans4m Diet

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