Troubleshooting Your Keto Diet


Many people have had success with the keto diet, but unfortunately, not everyone has. If you are struggling to lose weight on a keto diet or just can’t seem to get into the groove of it, then this blog post is for you!

In this article, we will discuss why some people might not be losing weight on a keto diet and offer some tips that should help you troubleshoot your own keto diet.

A lot of keto articles make big claims that are only partially true.

Let’s look at some myths about the keto diet.


As you probably know, a ketogenic diet switches your body into “fat-burning mode.” Instead of running on sugar like many other diets might do with carbohydrates when following the keto lifestyle, fat is used for energy. This state is called ‘ketosis’ – and it’s where your cells are using this alternative form of fuel instead of carbs to power themselves.

Even in these conditions though, dietary fats still matter because they’re burned first before any stored body fat available within the body can be utilized as a fuel source. Try reducing your dietary fat intake by 20-40 grams a day if your weight loss has stalled.

The good news: ketosis may not make you burn body fat all the time, but it does ramp up your metabolism significantly. People in ketosis burn an average of about 300 extra calories every day[1Opens in a new tab.], which is about a 15-20% increase in metabolic rate. Researchers aren’t quite sure why people in keto burn those extra calories, but rodent studies suggest that it may be thanks to increased thermogenesis.


You do not have to count calories on a keto diet, but you should still be mindful of the calorie content in your food and drink intake since it can affect weight loss efforts even if carbs are restricted.* * For example One pound of fat equals 3500 kcal of energy.

A 500-calorie reduction per day leads to a pound of fat loss in a week. We don’t account for the water weight loss but just fat in this example.

As you can see calories still matter on keto and you need to be in a deficit if you want to lose real not just water weight. Just remember that fats are very high in caloric value. Carbs and proteins are only 4 calories per gram but fats are 9 calories per gram. So if your eating butter and bacon in mass quantities and your not losing weight just remember that calories still matter on keto and you need to be in a caloric deficit.

Weight loss is simple once you understand the basics. You need to burn more calories than you eat every day in order for weight management to be successful, no matter what diet plan that may entail. The keto diet and many other diets involve this same principle of burning excess calories each day so as not to gain any unnecessary pounds or unwanted fat stores on your body!

Keto diets suppress your appetite by blocking ghrelin, the hormone that makes you hungry. Recent research suggests this is one of the main reasons people struggle to lose weight and keep it off — as a person loses more and more fat from their body, they produce higher amounts of the hunger hormone ghrelin which make them even hungrier. As a result, 80% of dieters regain any weight lost after 2 years[4]Opens in a new tab..

Keto diets are effective at suppressing your appetite because keto blocks ghrelin–which means your hunger pangs won’t be as severe and you can stick to your diet.

The ketogenic diet suppresses appetite and eliminates that weight loss-induced increase in ghrelin, which is a huge deal. Keto gets rid of the constant hunger that wears down your willpower on a standard weight loss diet. You may still feel hungry at times but it’s far less pressing than before you started this way of eating.

On top of feeling better mentally from not being deprived all the time, there are also psychological benefits to be gained by regularly indulging in steak or bacon for example – without guilt!

If you want to figure out how many calories you should be eating on Keto please check out our Ketogenic Macro CalculatorOpens in a new tab.. Just select ketogenic from the diet choice and it will give you a breakdown of your caloric needs to lose weight.


Don’t worry about getting into full ketosis all the time. You don’t have to completely eliminate carbs from your diet if you want long-term weight loss and improved health, but simply reducing carbohydrates will get most people into a partial state of nutritional/metabolic (ketogenic) adaptation. Experiment with your caloric and fat intake levels to see which one works for you. If you fall out of ketosis with a cheat meal or some badly needed carbs don’t worry and stay the course.. a mild level of ketosis is still burning fat..

Losing Weight On Keto.

It’s About Results Not Ketones.

You don’t have to be in fat-burning mode all the time. Ketosis is not a magic bullet that works for everyone, and it doesn’t mean you are burning body fat. It also mean your producing ketones by burning fats consumed.

What matters most is your success at hitting weight loss goals — so experiment until you find something that fits into this mold, even if it means eating enough carbs to take you out of keto every now again or having a carb refeed day once per week where carbohydrates can be eaten before or after an exercise routine.

Count Your Calories Until You Can Eyeball It Each Time

Dieters tend to underestimate calories consumed by quite a large margin (7)Opens in a new tab.. By figuring out what your caloric intake should be use our Keto Macro calculator

then track your calories for a couple of weeks using a free app such as www.myfitnesspal.comOpens in a new tab..

Try Intermittent Fasting While on Keto.

A lot of dieters have success with intermittent fasting simply due to the shortened eating window. It’s a great pairing with keto’s natural appetite suppression. You can check out our intermittent fasting blog post here.

If the needle on the scale is not moving give these changes a shot and see what you can achieve after a few weeks. If you find that it still does not work try another type of diet. Here is a guide to the most popular diet for you to check out!

There is a lot of information that goes into getting on the ketogenic diet and it certainly takes time to figure out what works for you. But, by following these simple tips we hope your transition will be much smoother!

You can use our Keto Macro calculator hereOpens in a new tab. then track calories with a free app such as MyFitnessPal or Lose It!. Try intermittent fasting while doing Ketosis-lot people have success due in part because they shorten their eating window which pairs nicely with natural appetite suppression when already done low carb style. If weight loss does not happen try another type of diet  –here’s a guide to the most popular diets.

Fast weight Loss

Anthony MSc. Nutrition CPT

Anthony is a certified personal trainer, Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, and Strength and Conditioning coach. Today he works as a full-time fitness coach, writer, blogger, and author. In his spare time, he is an avid sailor, boating enthusiast, hiker, and backpacker His goal is to take the confusion out of weight loss and health and make it simple and easy to understand and follow. Anthony McGarr NASM CPT, CHHP, MSc. Nutrition, Certified Holistic Health Practitioner And Creator Of The Trans4m Diet

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